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Software Focus:

The Case for an Enterprise
IPEDS/CDS Reporting
System (ERS) under the
Control of a Non-Profit
Organization Partnered
with Higher Education

   White Paper One
  (Reporting Deficiencies)

   White Paper Two
  (Best Practices)

   White Paper Three
password protected

  (Features of ERS)

   White Paper Four
password protected

  (Ease of Implementation)

   White Paper Five
password protected

  (Import File Automation)

REGEIS Integrated IPEDS/CDS Application

There is a well-documented reporting problem in higher education… Over the past decade, there have been numerous publicly available studies conducted regarding technology and reporting in higher education. These studies have been conducted or sponsored by the Department of Education (DOE), the United States Government Accountability Office (GAO), chief information officers (CIOs), academic leaders, foundations, and others.

The findings in each study have been remarkably similar, if not identical.

A 2010 GAO Report, HIGHER EDUCATION: Institutions’ Reported Data Collection Burden Is Higher Than Estimated but Can Be Reduced through Increased Coordination, concluded, in part:
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    GAO Headquarters - Washington, DC

“In addition to being time-consuming, keyholders generally perceive IPEDS reporting to be a relatively demanding task."

“Campus data systems could reduce the IPEDS reporting burden, but some keyholders… are concerned about the reliability of the systems’ automated IPEDS reporting features.”

A 2006 Report of the DOE Secretary's Commission on Higher Edcuation, “A Test of Leadership: Charting the Future of U.S. Higher Education,” under Transparency and Accountability, found: 

“We have noted a remarkable shortage of clear, accessible information about crucial aspects of American colleges and universities, from financial aid to graduation rates."

"Because data systems are so limited and inadequate, it is hard for policymakers to obtain reliable information of students’ progress through the educational pipeline.”

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In 2006, a blue-ribbon group of higher education leaders convened by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, and chaired by Stanford University’s President John Hennessy, issued a report Software and Collaboration in Higher Education:  Study of Open Source Software.”

“We have found a considerable amount of evidence attesting that many college and university leaders are dissatisfied with the cost and performance of software, and that this is a matter of significant concern to them.”

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A Solution...

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“There is a documented solution to the reporting problem in higher education… REGEIS has developed an integrated IPEDS/CDS application for two-year and four-year institutions, which is described and fully illustrated herein."

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