A user-centric focus has two attributes: 1) it is easy to understand and use and 2) it is pertinent to the various tasks each office/user must perform. In designing the IPEDS/CDS application, REGEIS’ approach was to develop an application specific to 2-year institutions and an application specific to 4-year institutions.
Similarly, Academic departments, Admissions, Registrar, Financial Aid, and the many student support offices serve the same student population. But, the peculiar functions of admissions, financial aid, and student enrollment vary greatly. The REGEIS approach is to tailor tracking/reporting applications [View User-Centric pdf] specific to each office/user:
1. Student Enrollment (SiView)
2. Admissons (Goto AdmitView)
3. Financial Aid View (Goto FaView)
4. Financial Aid Reports (Goto FaReports)
5. Courseload/Grade Distribution (Goto CrsQuery)
6. Retention (Goto GRS-Retention)
SiView is an end-user reporting tool [View SiView pdf], designed to empower the Registrar’s office, academic departments, advisors, and student support offices to directly, easily, and instantly obtain the information they need to track and monitor students. Key information is displayed on a single screen, with point-and-click access to a series of other pop-up forms and reports.
The slides below illustrate the functionality of the application. For support offices, SiView dynamically displays students and a form unique to that office, e.g., Veterans (Slide 9) and International Students (Slide 10).
SiView 1: Main Form
SiView 2: Fall 2009 GRS Cohort
SiView 3: Students Repeating Courses
SiView 4a: Datasheet View
SiView 4b: Datasheet View
(Students Without an Advisor in Student Record System)
SiView 5: Standard Report Selection
SiView 6: Academic Progress Report
SiView 7: Change of Major Report
SiView 8: Pivot Chart (Enrollment by Major)
SiView 9: Veteran Students Log-In
SiView 10: International Students Log-In
AdmitView is a comprehensive reporting tool [View AdmitView pdf], designed to empower admissions staff to directly, easily, and instantly obtain the information they need to effectively and efficiently manage the institution’s admissions process. AdmitView presents key information on a single screen, with point-and-click assess to a series of other forms, datasheets, and reports.
The slides below illustrate the functionality of the application.
AdmitView 1: Main Form
AdmitView 2: Filter for Incomplete Applications
AdmitView 3: View Data Discrepancies
AdmitView 4: Datasheet View
AdmitView 5: Standard Report Selection
AdmitView 6: Applicants' Level, Type and Status
AdmitView 7: Prior Institution - High School
AdmitView 8a: Applicant Status Summary (Numbers)
AdmitView 8b: Applicant Status Summary-Percentages
(School of Arts and Sciences)
AdmitView 9: Applicant Demographics Summary
(School of Arts and Sciences)
FaView is a comprehensive reporting tool [View FaView pdf], designed to empower the financial aid staff to directly, easily, and instantly obtain the information they need to award and monitor student financial aid. FaView presents student enrollment, student account, and financial aid information on a single screen, with point-and-click access to a series of other "pop-up" forms, datasheets, pivot tables, and reports.
The slides below illustrate the functionality of the FaView front-end.
FaView 1: Main Form
FaView 2: Computer Science Scholarship
FaView 3: Students Over-Awarded
FaView 4: Financial Aid Awards (Datasheet View)
FaView 5: Standard Report (Financial Aid by Fund)
FaView 6: Students Aggregate/Total Awards
FaView 7: Detail Financial Aid Transactions
FaView 8: Student Budget Detail Form
FaView 9: Students' Budget Detail (Datasheet View)
FaReports is a comprehensive reporting module [View FaReports pdf], designed to empower the financial aid staff to directly, easily, and instantly determine the numbers, percentages, averages, and totals of financial aid awards to practically any subset of students. Financial aid awards can be broken down by source,, e.g., Federal, State, Institutional, or Outside; gift-aid; self-help, need-based; non need-based, or any given fund, e.g., Pell, institutional scholarship, subsidized loan, etc.
The slides below illustrate the functionality of the FaReports front-end.
FaReports 1: Main Form
FaReports 2: Financial Aid Awards (Computer Science Majors)
FaReports 3: Financial Aid Awards (Fairfax County Residents)
FaReports 4: Standard Report RegisFa 10F (Fairfax County Residents)
FaReports 5: Pivot Table Ver-1s (All Awards)
FaReports 6: Pivot Table Ver-1s
(Awards to GRS Cohort of First-time, Full-time Freshmen)
The CrsQuery Module [View CrsQuery pdf] provides authorized users with direct, easy and instant access to 1) historic, current and pre-registration course load and 2) weighted course GPA, grade distribution and course pass/fail rates.
The six slides below illustrate the functionality of the application.
CrsQuery 1: Query Form
CrsQuery 2: Query Results
(Spring 2014 Math Courses with Weighted GPA<2.00)
CrsQuery 3: Pivot Table
(Courses Taught Between Fall 2009-Spring 2014)
CrsQuery 4: Pivot Table Filter
(Courses with Weighted GPA<2.00)
CrsQuery 5: Query - Preregistered Courses
(Initial Registration<10 Students)
CrsQuery 6: Query Results
(Pre-registered Courses with Initial Registration<10 Students)
The GRS Retention module [View GRS-Retention pdf] empowers institutional research (IR) and other authorized users to assess the institution’s student retention over a ten-year period. For any cohort of first-time, full-time, degree-seeking freshmen, IR can analyze second year retention, current enrollment, years-to-graduation, and dropout term. Analysis can be done for all students, or broken down by admit school/major; last school/major; gender; race; residency; high school attended; HS Gpa quartile; and/or SAT quartile.
The slides below illustrate the functionality of the application.
GRS Retention 1: Longitudinal Overview
GRS Retention 2: Longitudinal Degrees Awarded
GRS Retention 3: Longitudinal Dropouts By Year
GRS Retention 4a: Retention Pivot Table (Fall 2008 GRS Cohort)
GRS Retention 4b: Fall 2008 GRS Cohort
(All Students - University College - Exclude University College
GRS Retention 5: Fall 2008 GRS Cohort
(Retention By Major - School of Arts and Sciences)
GRS Retention 6a: Longitudinal Retention (High School GPA - First Quartile)
GRS Retention 6b: Longitudinal Retention (High School GPA - Fourth Quartile)
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