Your University is
profiled to resemble
a public four-year
institution, with a
Fall 2014 enrollment
of 16,427 students.

"Your Community College"

REGEIS IPEDS: "Your University"

The REGEIS IPEDS/CDS application automates the completion of seven student-related surveys. All calculations are performed within Microsoft’s SQL Server database, thereby precluding user calculation errors. The calculation process generates IPEDS Import Files to automate submission of survey data, thereby precluding user input/typo errors.

The application incorporates a powerful, user-friendly front-end interface that empowers the Office of Institutional Research (OIR), and other designated offices, to validate and filter IPEDS survey data. To experience first-hand the functionality of the front-end, click on any survey. The Main Switchboard is shown below.

Beginning with the 2014-2015 Survey Year, REGEIS has developed a powerful enhancement... full automation of the IPEDS/CDS surveys by schools within an institution. A simple click of the mouse will instantly show survey numbers by the selected school.

Click on any survey below: